Nature is to be admired, in all of its unexpected imperfections. This installation captures the essence of resilience during uncertain times; the strangler tree personifies the magic of life flourishing against the odds. From seeds dropped by birds, the architectural magnificence of the strangler fig emerges – its vines spiralling downwards, sculpting into a resilient form that becomes adorned with flowers from seeds cast from afar.
Inspiration and design
Key Contributors
Craig Cultan-Wilson
Carol Paget
John Morse-Brown
Tom Searle
Katy Brown
Plant list
Borago officinalis
Delphinium ‘Summer Skies’
Matthiola incana
Paeonia ‘Coral Charm’
Paeonia ‘Simply Red’
Paeonia ‘Cottage Garden’
Pentaglottis sempervirens
Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’
Scabiosa caucasica ‘Perfecta Blue’
Verbascum ‘Jackie’
Verbascum ‘Helen Johnson’