Award winning business

With all the ups and downs of Covid, Young Blooms has also had moments of complete delight! Back in January it was wonderful for Grace as Owner of Young Blooms to recognised in #ialso 100 list for 2021, f:Entrepreneur is a campaign that highlights female business leaders across the UK. Through events, content and story-telling, f:Entrepreneur showcases role models to help and inspire all small businesses.


Its been wonderful for Grace to be included in this list of female entrepreneurs. The covid pandemic has certainly meant to that Young Blooms has had to pivot its main business of providing wedding flowers to creating ideas such as the monthly subscription BloomBox offering, Developing the Young Blooms flower school and Youtube channel and also growing flowers has meant the business has been able to sustain itself through these tricky times.

Young Blooms has also been shortlisted for the Small Awards 2021.  We have been included in the Bricks and clicks category for being the best multi channel small business. These awards were set up Small Business Britain, they are a brilliant organisation that campaign and support small businesses across the UK.

business awards 2021

Having Young Blooms profile being included in these awards has been an important boost for the company. Running a small business is incredibly tough especially in times like these and to be recognised among other companies is just the best.