choosing your Bridal scent and meaning

wedding florist, wiltshire

Where do you start when picking flowers and greenery for your bouquet. I imagine if your anything like me, you start with what you like the look of. Flowers are incredibly visual and we all have our favourites…

I’ve been recently doing some research into the history of flowers, floriography is the language of flowers. So my question to you would be, how about rather than starting from colours that you love, add in meaning and scent. Thinking about the memories it will evoke for you, how smelling that scent in 10 years time will give your bridal bouquet more history and purpose?

British flowers, wiltshire

Cornflowers ~ wealth prosperity, fortune and friendship

We are in the middle of peony season and they are some of my favourite scented flowers. Instagram is awash with stunning pictures of all the varieties you can get and Wedding flowers Magazine recently did a brilliant article on using peonies for your wedding.

wedding florist, wiltshire

beautiful ivory peony

‘A peony is said to represent wealth and honour, as well as embodying romance and love – it is regarded as the omen of good fortune and a happy marriage.’

Wiltshire, wedding florist

Peony Table-centre

We are used to the idea that at Valentines you send 12 red roses to the person you love, but did you know that ivy signifies friendship and continuity or that Oak signifies strength. How lovely to know that and include both foliage in your wedding party buttonholes.

Herbs are another favourite and we use a lot of them when we are creating wedding flowers. My favourites are:

Marjoram – Joy, Happiness

Rosemary – rememberance

Sage – Wisdom,immortality

Oregano – Substance

wedding flowers, wiltshire

We used mint, rosemary, sage and oregano in this arrangement…

So if you are beginning to plan your wedding flowers, then why not consider the meaning of flowers that you love and create designs that have significance for you.