Routine is an important part of our everyday lives and most of us are sticklers for keeping to it, but it seems very easy to get stuck in our ways. I for one have found the clothes I like to wear and will simply purchase the same thing because I know it works… I will look at a garment and think “Nope! That wont suit me!” after perusing it for all of five seconds! For all I know, I could try it on and find something different that looks great! I can’t be alone in this can I? It’s the same with colour schemes, people know what colours they like and wont really stray from them whether it be in their fashion, in their home or in the flowers they buy for themselves or gifts; but for all we know we could stumble upon a combination that works in a way we wouldn’t have thought.
As a florist I like to cater to the individual customers style and preferences, making something personal to each recipient and it very often opens my eyes to a selection of colours I might not necessarily have selected myself. The perfect example of this is a wedding from a couple of weeks ago. The colours were all lovely, very bright and cheerful but I wasn’t expecting how much I would have liked the end product!
The ravishing red roses really draw your eye in and sit so beautifully with the burning oranges of the ranunculus whilst the vibrant tulips create an exciting contrast. I knew the colours would look good together but it really awakened something within me and showed me that maybe I should try new thing more often! Last week I spoke about thinking outside of the box when it comes to the containers we use but I think it’s so important to keep the flowers just as fresh and not in the usual sense! Flowers are a treat, a gift from others or to ourselves and we need to keep appreciating the colour and life they bring to our homes. So I dare you to go for an “out of your comfort zone” colour scheme, stray away from the routine and see what a difference it can make!
Hollie x