A little bit of imagination

Sweet-peas slowly showing some life

I think I mentioned a while ago about ‘British flower’ hour on Twitter that I been having some fun with. Between 8pm & 9pm you can join in the conversation with the hash-tag #britishflowers. I’ve got chatting to a really wide range of people, from growers to other florists, allotment holders who are trying to grow flowers for the first time and also some well established businesses who are keen to promote the idea of British grown flowers.

I have found the conversations inspiring as people are keen to share ideas & tips that they have gathered. So I thought we would give it a go on our own and see where we get too.

Slightly healthier looking sweet peas.
You have to imagine these will be beautiful flowers
Going to be beautiful snap-dragon’s come the Summer

So far we have sweet-peas growing, I’ve planted blue & white scabious, delphinium, zinnia, snap-dragon’s, mint, sage & rosemary.

You have to have a lot of imagination at the moment as everything is so tiny and young, but as the weather seems to be warming up…….(said very hopefully) Things might start moving a bit faster, long term I would like to have a plot near our shop at Hartley but time permitting I’m starting the growing at home.

As well as all my growing efforts and through joining in the British flower hour I met a local grower Cally Smart who has been doing some fantastic work in our area, encouraging people to grow their own! Come the Summer we are planning that she will be able to supply us with locally grown flowers as-well. So if your around our area then do pop into Hartley Farm and see what’s on offer in the Young Blooms Shop.