The week that flew by ~ part two

I think I left my thoughts somewhere in last Tuesday and
 that much admired Spring vase I mentioned…….

Wednesday was a gorgeous phone-call from a customer saying how much Tuesday’s Spring vase had been loved. I can promise you there were warm fuzzy feelings all around!!

The reason for the early start!

More photo’s added to our facebook and some lovely comments added to it by our fabulous Brides…..

A proud (but slightly sad I know) moment when we hit 200 followers on the wonderful world of Twitter ~ Do feel free to add to this number and follow here…. @youngblooms

You can just feel the sunshine….

An early start with glorious weather…. 
It’s those gorgeous ‘Miss Piggy’ roses.

In an organised fashion we started on our Mother’s Day campaign & it’s treats a go-go. How are you treating your Mum?? Fancy some rather fabulous flowers as a gift, then start checking out our online shop for Mother’s day presents.