Weekend’s that last forever

Was it me or did that four day weekend go awfully fast?
Though WHAT a weekend! And WHAT a dress….

I loved all the build up to the great event, the excitement was amazing! I was toasting the Duchess of Cambridge with a glass of Pimms before she had even got to the great door of the Abbey though most the males in the room were toasting the younger sister….

This week has mainly been pouring over my celebratory copy of Hello magazine and eyeing up the outfits worn by various royals and wishing I could be as elegant as Zara Philips!

My main conclusion from all the jollities was how proud we should be of our country, what with Sarah Burton creating that dress, Philip Treacy and his incredible selection of hats. It certainly felt good to be British on Friday!

Apart from all that drama we worked hard over the weekend and you can see some of the results. A beautiful wedding in a marquee and another at wick farm. Wishing you all a fabulous rest of the week and roll on for another weekend!!